Friday, March 5, 2010

Lives Lost- He stands up to show where the girls "perfected" their jump shots, practiced their cheering, and sang their first sweet song. He used the rule of threes with the kids sitting in the bleachers.

Cave Rescue- A cry of need seems to carry farther in the darkness or perhaps we listen closer.

Ruby Bridges-
Scene Setting- They set the interview in her old classrrom that she now teaches in
Foreshadowing- They hint to what going to happen next in the story. "Ruby is back in a classroom that once.. was her prison
Conflict- Ruby has to overcome challenges when she is young. Her parents divorce, she is black, she faces a mob, and he father loses his job.
Character Growth- At first she seems unaffected, then she starts to see the world as it was when she was a student in the school
Resolution- Ruby returns to the school that was once her prsion, but this time she teaches there.

Pearl Harbor- The twist was that he was the guy that desinged the pearl harbor memorial.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


They used the rule of three very well. Especially when, the kid in the gray said he didn't have a crush on her. Then, after they asked him a couple mroe time, he admitted it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Commercial Critiques

Jake Mehring- "Jake Bakes Cake"
He really incorporated his slogan well by building it up to see what Jake really bakes.
He had good transitions and used the layering really well
He used effects really well, and the it was really creative
30 Seconds

Will Beirnat- "Simply Will"
All the build-up to his slogan was really creative, and he incoproated it well.
He used effects and the music effects really well in his commercial
All the pictures and everything were really interesting
30 Seconds

John Gauger- "I'm a Winner"
He incorporated his slogan well, because he had all the images of the "winners"
He used cross dissolve really well and there was no over use in effects
All the pictures were really creative in the idea
30 Seconds

Anjela johnson- "Silence the Violence, Increase the Peace"
She incorporated her slogan really well with the entire theme of peace in her commercial
She used the effects really well with the text over the pictures and trisitioning from picture to picture
The pictures the like Peace Dove, and big peace signs is really creative
30 Seconds

Friday, February 19, 2010

"Cheetah" Woods' Apology

After listening to this article I honestly believe he did just to get back on the golf course. Golf is his life, and his legacy. Yes, it is sad to see it overshadowed by an incedent(s) like this, but he needed to clear it up with the public and his fans. It is known that Tiger is a guy who can't even stand when a snapshot is taken during his backswing, can you ijmagine the mayhem if he just started golfing again straight away? While his apology is greatly appreciated by all, I think it should've come sooner. It's good that he's going to treatment for his "problem" and even though he'll never be married to his wife again, and owes her an enormous amount of money this apology will most likely be accepted by Elin, and everyone else.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Top 5 Commercials

1. A Whale of a Tale
Company: BridgeStone Tires
Target Audience: Car Drivers
"The Official tire of the NFL"
Yes, they use the humor factor to get people attention.

2. Doritos- Crash the Casket
Company: Doritos
Target Audience: Everyone
I don't know that it was effective because it might seem wrong to some people, brcause people are already upset witht he whole "fake death" thing.

3. Doritos- House Rules
Company: Doritos
Taget Audience: Everyone
"Keep yours hands off my mama, keep your hands off my Doritos."
It was a effective, because it appeals to the humorous side of people.

4. Bud Light Auto tune
Company: Bud Light
Traget Audience: 21+
"Make the party right"
It's a person most people can recognize, and someone who uses the "Autotune"

5. E-Trade "Baby Girlfriend"
Company: E-Trade
Target Audience: Insuarance Buyers
Yes, it uses humor to grab people attention.

"Im'ma Be."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

FOX 9 News at 10:

10:00- Snow till Tuesday, could cause road problems
10:02- Locals sick of snow, ready to head South
10:04:30- Western Minnesota to be hit hardest by snowstorm
10:07- Plumber accidentally hits gasline causes explosion/fire
10:07:30- Xcel crews work quickly to fix gasline running to sewer lines by Wednesday to avoid $1 million fine
10:09:30- Factory Explosion kills 5, injures 12
10:10- East Coast clean-up begins
10:11- Weather
10:15- Primetime Preview/ COMMERCIALS
10:17- Sports Primetime; Saints Win, Wolves Win
10:26- SPORTS: Wild's new goalie wins second game.
10:28- SPORTS: Ovechkin vs. Crosby on Super Bowl Sunday

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Threat Against Newspapers

If America loses it's newspapers I think it's going to be a very big deal. For some people newspapers are the only way they get there news, other than people telling them stuff they heard earlier that day. My family doesn't get newspaper delivered to our house anymore, but I enjoy reading the paper because it goes in depth more on things you can't see on FOX, or ESPN. If Minnesota and the rest of the world loses their syndicated newspapers, I think it would be a very bad thing.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Newsworthiness Notes

News is an account of events that interest and concern the public.

Criteria for Newsworthiness:
  1. Unusualness- How out of the ordinary that particular news story is. (A Plane Crash, doesn't happen everyday and is rather unusual)
  2. Significance- How important that particular news story is. (Taxes, Elections, Wars, Scientific Discoveries, the Economy)
  3. Timeliness- How new that particular news story might be, or how quickly it is relayed to the public. (People want to know about the flood as it's happening not after the fact.)
  4. Proximity- How close a person is to a place where a news story may occur. (Nearby Events: New Regional Highway, Tax Proposals)
  5. Prominence- How well known a person, place, or thing involved in that particular story is. (If you're arrested shop lifting it's not a prominent as a movie star taken to prison.)
  6. Human Interest- How that particular story appeals to the public. (A Heat-warming, Heart Wrenching, Humorous, or Dramatic Stories.)

Differences in Print/Broadcast Journalism:

  1. Broadcast journalism is something that you would listen to, and Print Journalism is something you read.
  2. Broadcast Journalism gernerally breaks the news to the public faster because it doesn't have to wait to be printed and distributed.
  3. Broadcast Journalism is usually distributed electronically, and print journalism is usually distributed physically.

Brittany Murphy's Accidental Death

Yes, another person in Hollywood died of a drug overdose. I don't understand why these people want to do drugs. They have huge amounts of money, and still insist on doing things like this. With as many big name people that have died or have struggled with drug problems it's not uncommon to see drug usage in Hollywood, or anywhere celebrities may migrate to. But, the fact that she overdosed is really dissapointing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Broadcast Journalism

My definition of Broadcast Journalism is reporting to, or informing people in some way of the answers to questions people would want to know.

Broadcast Journalism- Airing news/ current event instantaneously through TV, News, or Internet

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Article Review

Overall, I agree with the environmental part of the process of reusing the 3-D glasses. Even though some people might not believe that its the most hygenic, it's definitely the most efficient. Especially since so many people saw Avatar, its easier and less expensive for companies to wash and reuse their 3-D glasses.

My Partner Interview

My partners name is Dylan Leininger. He took Broadcast journalism because he can see himself being the newscaster behind the desk delivering the news to people around the town. Dylan enjoys playing hockey, and even has a job as a ice hockey and soccer referee, and with the money he earns he likes to "make it rain." An interesting fact about dylan is that he has gray hair already and he hates it.