Monday, February 22, 2010

Commercial Critiques

Jake Mehring- "Jake Bakes Cake"
He really incorporated his slogan well by building it up to see what Jake really bakes.
He had good transitions and used the layering really well
He used effects really well, and the it was really creative
30 Seconds

Will Beirnat- "Simply Will"
All the build-up to his slogan was really creative, and he incoproated it well.
He used effects and the music effects really well in his commercial
All the pictures and everything were really interesting
30 Seconds

John Gauger- "I'm a Winner"
He incorporated his slogan well, because he had all the images of the "winners"
He used cross dissolve really well and there was no over use in effects
All the pictures were really creative in the idea
30 Seconds

Anjela johnson- "Silence the Violence, Increase the Peace"
She incorporated her slogan really well with the entire theme of peace in her commercial
She used the effects really well with the text over the pictures and trisitioning from picture to picture
The pictures the like Peace Dove, and big peace signs is really creative
30 Seconds

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