Thursday, February 4, 2010

Newsworthiness Notes

News is an account of events that interest and concern the public.

Criteria for Newsworthiness:
  1. Unusualness- How out of the ordinary that particular news story is. (A Plane Crash, doesn't happen everyday and is rather unusual)
  2. Significance- How important that particular news story is. (Taxes, Elections, Wars, Scientific Discoveries, the Economy)
  3. Timeliness- How new that particular news story might be, or how quickly it is relayed to the public. (People want to know about the flood as it's happening not after the fact.)
  4. Proximity- How close a person is to a place where a news story may occur. (Nearby Events: New Regional Highway, Tax Proposals)
  5. Prominence- How well known a person, place, or thing involved in that particular story is. (If you're arrested shop lifting it's not a prominent as a movie star taken to prison.)
  6. Human Interest- How that particular story appeals to the public. (A Heat-warming, Heart Wrenching, Humorous, or Dramatic Stories.)

Differences in Print/Broadcast Journalism:

  1. Broadcast journalism is something that you would listen to, and Print Journalism is something you read.
  2. Broadcast Journalism gernerally breaks the news to the public faster because it doesn't have to wait to be printed and distributed.
  3. Broadcast Journalism is usually distributed electronically, and print journalism is usually distributed physically.

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